Food and Beverages Testing
The legislation on the composition of food products and their processing has become very stringent aiming at maximal protection of the consumer. Chemiphar works with national regulatory agencies to ensure the quality, health and safety of food products both for the domestic market and for export. As a result national and export standards have reached a level in which the industries will have to put a lot of effort in improving the quality of their products if they want to sweep the competitive national and international markets. Chemiphar offers the food industry and the regulatory inspection services the possibility to analyse the quality of raw, finished or intermediate products and render them in compliance with the legislation or international food standards appropriate for the industry. Chemiphar collabo rates with the regulatory and competent authorities where an established mechanism of control and certification before shipment is undertaken, to assure that certain quality conditions to the European Union and other international markets have been met. The most frequent analyses for food and beverages performed are: Microbiological analysis of food stuffs, drinking water and beverages. Determination of the hygiene status of the product, pathogen levels. Chemical analysis of foodstuffs, feeds, drinking water and beverages. Proximate analysis: Water content, fats, protein, ash, fatty acid pattern, vitamin content, mineral content, etc. Determination of impurities, contaminants and toxins: Pesticides, Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, natural toxins (cyanides in cassava), fungal toxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, fumonisins,etc.) Determination of specific components: Vanillin content, caffeine, papaine activity. Determination of freshness parameters or shelf life studies: TVB-N, TMA in fish, Anisidin in fish oils, etc.
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Chemiphar Uganda Ltd, Kampala, Uganda

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